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At Adventure Forward, we know that sitting-in-a-chair therapy alone doesn’t work for everyone. We also know recovery can be a lot of work. But if it's also enjoyable and stimulating it can not only create long term sobriety, it can actually even be... fun!


We specialize in treating all kinds of substance and behavioral addictions with a unique combination of discussion and adventure-based action. Recognizing addictions don’t exist in a vacuum — we will also work with you to address underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, or relationships.


Even if you aren't personally dealing with an addiction, recovery-based adventure therapy can help create personal healing and growth. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about whether it's right for you.


We treat addictions to:

  • Drugs

  • Alcohol





Our Approach

We have a client-centered approach. We help you discover your goals and work with you to reach them, walking alongside you throughout your journey.


Using cognitive-behavioral therapy and adventure-based counseling we work with you to challenge and address problematic behaviors, as well as confronting any underlying issues.​

Harness the healing power of nature.

At Adventure Forward, we believe nature is an healing and helpful factor in the therapeutic process.  We journey outside the traditional office environment to experience the unique benefits the outdoors provides. 


If being outdoors, trying new things, or being active is something you love, or if you are feeling stuck in more traditional recovery programs—this therapy is for you. This doesn’t mean you need to have wilderness experience or be athletic. While the adventure component is a key part of our approach, it is adapted to meet individual needs.


Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a great way to dive deep into your recovery. When you explore your thoughts and feelings with a therapist you can gain more insight and awareness.


We will sometimes sit in a chair, because we know that our proven discussion-based approach can help you make great strides in the recovery process. However, sometimes we will get up and move—employing activities that help to identify and underscore your strengths and areas for growth.


For those who feel like they spend too much of their life sitting, we also offer walking therapy—discussion based therapy that takes place outdoors and on the move.


Interested in learning more about our services or setting up a first appointment?


Fill out the contact form below or call us at (847) 942-2080.

Indiv. Therapy

Group Therapy

Therapy can feel like a lonely task; that you are alone in your recovery. Group therapy removes feeling of isolation and supports your recovery process in ways that individual therapy alone can’t. Additionally group therapy provides opportunities to see yourself through others' eyes and learn how to relate to others more effectively and in more satisfying ways. The bonds formed with other group members remind us that we are not traveling alone in our journey of recovery.


We are experts in group psychotherapy. Our therapy groups provide the opportunity to explore your roles in relationships, discover patterns in your life, as well as receive and give support. 


Our therapy groups are activity-oriented and meet both in the office and outdoors. Along with discussion and reflection, these groups incorporate “team-building” exercises, such as ice-breakers, trust-building, and problem-solving activities. Yes, they may challenge you to move out of your comfort zone - which is a good thing — because it’s outside of our comfort zones where real growth occurs.


Interested in learning more about our services or getting involved in one of our therapy groups?

Group Therapy

Recovery Adventure Retreats

Recovery can often feel like a full-time job, so sometimes we need to get away from our regular lives to truly focus on it.  In addition to our office-based approach, we offer day-long retreats for individuals, families, and groups. These retreats will deepen your understanding of 12-step recovery, allowing you to move through each of the steps throughout the day. They are also an opportunity to enhance your everyday-life skills as well as try new things and yes... even discover what sober fun feels like. 


Recovery Adventure Retreats take place in beautiful outdoor settings, away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.  The environment's sights and smells, as well as the act of moving your body in different ways—is transformative and can reveal hidden vulnerabilities and strengths.


Want to join us on our next retreat?


I went to the woods because

I wished to live deliberately,

to front only the essential facts of life,

and see if I could not learn

what it had to teach.



Health Insurance

We are an in-network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Illinois PPO, Cigna, Magellan, and Medicare.  We can also work as an out-of-network provider for many other insurance plans. Contact us for more information about health insurance and billing.



Interested in learning more about individual therapy, group therapy, or our events?


Ready to set up your first appointment?


Fill out the contact form to the right or

give Barney a call at (847) 942-2080.​

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